I have not been around for a while so I'll write a small summary.
The weeks pass so quickly, and I don't have much time to spare.
The course is going really great, I'm up to date and going along well with my new mates.
The last weeks we sort of formed a study group in order to help each other out, read, discuss and calculate together.It's a really good thing we got going there, meeting in the library almost every day at 1 am, going out for lunch before the class begin.
We've found this small and clean sushi bar that cook absolutely delicious yakiniku.
It's a traditional Japanese dish, kind of a bowl of rice with entrecôte and soy.
The sushi was good too but the yakiniku - totally splendid. I have to have one of those at least once every week - it's like a new addiction.
Moshe had to fly back to Israel and work, but he left us in good hands.
We were introduced to four new teachers during the second week; Claudia, Anna, Sandra and Moshes brother Dr. Uri Cohen.
The ladies mentioned above are on their third year of medical studies here in Stockholm and I really couldn't believe it when Claudia said that she was 22 years old. We almost lost it there for a second but to think of it, it's not impossible at all.
If I'd began my studies directly after high school I'd be there by now too.
It's not as if I regret it, it was never an option for me and I've been up to some great things meanwhile. The military, the ER practice, the work at the paper etc - totally worth the time.
Anyhow, one day we finished the class earlier than expected so Claudia organized a game in order to trigger our knowledge and the facts we learned so far.
After that lesson we all got sort of a wake up call because we really failed a lot of her questions.
Someone in our group got the idea of making small quiz cards and we played them all through the next day - what a great idea. It's both fun and it really help with the repetition of all the material.
I've got plenty more to tell but I've got to go...
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