I really had a blast during the spring break, and yeah, calling it a spring break is actually rather legit. The sun was with me all the way and as usual that brings a smile to my face. I spent some quality time at home with Caroline and visited my parents and brothers a lot. Being able to roam the streets of Skärhamn in shorts and t-shirt, along with washing the car and preparing the boat for launching, gave me an amazing spring feeling.
Relaxing the whole holiday was not an option thou. This Monday we had our second course test so I kept my knowledge alive by reading something every day. The last day before I went back I studied extra hard. I actually forgot to bring the question booklets so I didn’t have any chemistry tasks to solve but that problem was solved by one of my friends from class – via the facebook chat (!).
When I woke up at Monday morning and was about to hit the road I felt quite confident with the material and since I knew we would have an oral exam as well I used the five hours of travelling to draw anatomical sketches and structures presentations.
The train ran late again due to a signal error at the same location as last time. I was in time thou and could breathe out before the test began. Everything seemed just fine but then a huge distraction struck the class – we we’re expecting Dr. Moshe to actually be back from whatever part of the world he fled to but obviously he pushed thing forward (again) and is not coming to class for another two weeks.
This really pissed us all off and I was still mad during the test.
The thing that really bugs me is not only that he breaks parts of the contract we signed up for in the beginning but also their unreliable and unfair marketing saying things like "you will have professors teaching...", "we can arrange different school applications..." and finally the company motto: "we're with you all the way" - then prove that you can live up to that motto and your paying students expectations.
Halfway through I was even more pissed off, complaining about the questions in a test is not something I usually do and I really didn’t think things could get any worse than the last test but for crying out loud, who wrote those questions (!?). They were not wrong in the material point of view but English grammar and spelling should be correct in a test. I was more puzzled over the grammar than over the substance of the questions – and then something is really messed up.
I finished the test and went out to discuss with the others and they pretty much experienced the same thing. After the break we corrected our own tests and I really even if it didn’t feel as it would go my way it really did. I scored a 93% (!) which really surprised me because I was partially lost in the chemistry part regarding oxidation and reduction and such. Still, I managed to guess correct but I won’t count those points when it comes to my “self evaluation” afterwards. Guessing is bad and all it proved is that I need to study that a bit more.
Chemistry seemed to be the part where the majority of the class lost the most points and I’m not surprised, it was rather difficult.
After the test we gathered together, well most of us, and we went to Friday’s for a couple of after-school-beers and some food. We had a really great time, with some strange encounters thou, but over all – a great evening.
I brought my longboard with the hopes of skating home the last part from where the bus stops going and so I did, until I faced the gravel, hard. The thing is that the road seemed fine, but covered in snow some parts were of course hidden and I really didn’t think that there would be completely cut off asphalt parts covered in gravel. I took a leap, with my 15 kilo backpack on my back, and skated down one of the hills. Halfway through I saw the gravel coming in the darkness and I managed to save my ass right in the last second. Two minutes of bradycardia followed that close to death experience and before I knew it I was home lying in my bed sleeping.
It was a day filled with all kinds of problems – and solutions...
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