Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A breif history of butterflies and hurricanes

I was asked to publish more photos from my portfolio, this is a really old one from a series of photos shot in my parents garden - if there's someone out there good at species - then please let me know the name of this little guy.

I wanted to write a recap of New Year's Eve... not going to happen.
I wanted to write a recap of Christmas and the holiday... not going to happen.
I wanted to write a recap of my lecture for the students at my old High School... not even that, is going to happen.

All sadly due to the lack of time and energy.
You see, lately I've been occupied by winged creatures and hopefully, in a short matter of time, me myself will grow wings.
Now, unfortunately that's just wishful thinking and neither will I have more time on my hands nor will wings start to grow out of my back... It will, simply... just not happen.

This looks like a disturbingly depressing beginning and I can gladly tell you that's not the case - the other way around - actually a lot have happened, a lot of good things.
I can honestly reveal that a normal and sane person would probably be stressed over the situation regarding the studies; the pile is just growing but therefore not said the pace is decreasing, hence the reason to be stressed... and that's why it is great that I'm not sane at the moment.

While trying to stay insane, since that (briefly proved by my speculations above) obviously helps, I'm digging through that growing pile of work.
I just passed the final Czech test with a mark B which sort of boosted my insanity and what's left to conquer are the final anatomy and histology tests for this semester.
Anatomy is shouting "finale!" while throwing a slide test and a scheme drawing right in our faces - covering random parts of the Gastro-Intestinal System which some students rate as the toughest part so far in the anatomy studies.
Basically it consists of muscles, gross- and micro anatomy of the internal organs such as; the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines (large/small) and other specific compartments not worth mentioning since my eyes and brain are starting to shut down this very second.
My plan is to go through the whole system, organ by organ and put it all together in the end applying that knowledge to as many different atlases as possible in one week.

Simultaneously histology did the feared jumped from level 1 to level 4, or rather; like playing Pac-Man with 4 times the normal amount of monsters.
Next test is the first real slide test on the samples of all the tissues we've been through so far, approximately 25 samples.
It's going to be the biggest challenge next week and preparing for it is going to result in a lot of coffee, and less time for very inspirational things such as hitting the Facebook update button 6 times per minute.
By now I can feel my own sarcasm slapping my tired face like bricks of concrete to a Shaolin Munk's head , and I apologize for that - I'm writing on pure will power now - but I guess no one dares to blame me since I've been studying since 17:oo straight.

In two weeks the last checkpoint will be reached; the final Latin test. I have high hopes for that test since Latin, or more correctly Medical Terminology, is very interesting and I'm very much admiring our great teacher.

I would like to write a novel right now but I think this will do for tonight. Now I'll enjoy the butterflies and hurricanes and with that said I'll close my eyes... take a deep breath... and... slowly... fall... asleep... dreaming about... butterfl...z..z...Z


1 comment:

  1. This is a caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon). A very easy question for Anonymous No. 1 :) I used to paint butterflies in watercolors when I was younger.


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