We’ve had medical students, finishing their third year of studies at Karolinska Institutet, for almost one month straight now. No offence, they are doing a really great job keeping the level of the classes at an acceptable standard. What bother me, and others in the class, is that Dr. Moshe and his brother Dr. Uri, who are supposed to lead the course with their knowledge of the exam procedure choose to stay home.
We pay a lot of money to get their expertise and yesterday we got to know that neither of them is coming during the second part of the course.
This has awakened a lot of doubt among us which is extremely unnecessary – we have enough to think about as it is. The small uproar started with complains and as far as I’m concerned somebody sent a mail with complaints to Dr. Moshe. Since we pay for a service we must expect to get what we pay for. As it is at this very moment the contract that we signed up to is way out of league. It states that we were going to have licensed doctors as teachers and among them – most of the time Dr. Moshe and Dr. Uri.
The complains via mail and the medical students gave some results. Moshe is coming after our spring break and had suddenly a lot of information regarding schools, exams and such.
I guess it’s as with all companies – the more work others can do for you the better it is. Then you can just sit back and enjoy. Of course I don’t know the reason why Moshe and Uri didn’t plan on getting over here and I’m really not the one to judge – but since we pay for a service we also have the utter right to complain if the service is in some way doesn’t match our request.
Regarding the studies so far I feel that I’m doing really great. There’s a big black hole in the chemistry part thou, we just finished the last chemistry but the part of organic chemistry just don’t want to stick. It’s really boring reading, just a mass of text and structures that have to be grinded and inserted. I really miss the calculations thou. Calculating pH and such is actually pretty fun when you know how to do it.
The anatomy is as good as ever. I actually can’t wait to get to the point where we start our unprepared presentations. And yeah, speaking of which, the presentations handed out this week had yet another unsigned row at next Monday. Topic? Protein synthesis.
What we do is that we send a list of subject around and people that feel like having a presentation sign up for a specific topic. I really can’t see why some seem to push their presentations ahead, I mean if you do it now you just don’t get a good practice and presentation skill you also can fill up your “presentation-quota” when we still have little to think about. Later on we get into the repetition phase and then I really want to focus on that. Regarding protein synthesis on Monday, I signed up for it – it’s a good way of fluently learning yet another system.
Sorry for the massive wall of text hitting your optical nerves, I’m sitting at the train now going home for the weekend after a really nice evening with Jackie and Jeanine from class. We had steak and watched the Road with Viggo Mortensen. Gosh, how I love apocalyptic movies. The footage was really impressive and I’d really like to watch it in 1080i.
The early bird catch the worm – me an Jeanine, who’s going home to Oslo and then further away to London for a weekend, got up at 6 o clock and went to the central station.
My sweet twenty two is tomorrow and my dad bought me high quality headphones that I’m going to fetch at Komplett in Gothenburg on my way home, can’t wait to try them out. Caroline bought us tickets to a secret film at the cinema and I’m really happy that she did. We kind of need that.
5 minutes left until the train reach Gothenburg, without any time delaying troubles, isn’t that surprising..?
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