For you that aren't too familiar with those systems, RAAS (Renin/Angiotensin-Aldosterone System) and the kidney's regulate the hydration level of the body.
We also discussed the influence of alcohol in these systems and guess what, I think the facts are pretty damn correct.
Since alcohol inhibits the hormone that enable water from being re-absorbed into the system one feel rather mashed up the day after. And today? Today is the day after.
Waking up wasn't too bad thou, sunlight shining right in my face, a friendly blue sky looking down at me and birds singing all over. Okay, the birds were all inside my head knocking on the inside of my skull and it kind of surprised me - I didn't drink that awfully much yesterday, now did I? Guess I'll have to blame it on age and the mixing of different types of alcohol.
The battered me followed Jeanine's example and took a walk in the fantastic weather. It was really refreshing with some air and it made me realize that the spring is pretty damn close. I like the spring, the tension in the air and the greenish nature overpowering the dusty grey season.
I have to get my self together - my upcoming presentation is just around the corner...
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