I hope, and believe, that we’ll be able to nail the test tomorrow since we’ve been revising so much and it feels like I know things thoroughly.
The first anatomy test basically covers the upper extremity divided into the hand, the forearm, the upper arm and the shoulder girdle. We have to know the names of the bones, the different parts of the bones as well as the joints. Furthermore we also need to know about the general anatomy of the bone and joint, such as how the bone develops, what it consists of and how the joints work.
The general anatomy of the bone is rather complex, these names won’t mean much to you but I’ll still namedrop the different subcategories.
Microanatomy of bone; bone classification, bone structure, bone tissue (osteocytes/clasts/blasts, chondrocytes), growth of bone (ossification and osteogenesis) nutrition of the bone, body planes, axis and medical orientation in 3D space as well as basic muscle, tendon and nerve attachment knowledge. It looks like a lot for one and a half week but once you grind it down into smaller parts it’s doable.
All together I’d estimate it to about a hundred terms, or even more – after all we’ll cover 64 bones out of the 208 in the human body.
Even if anatomy takes up a lot of my time right now I can’t forget about the other subjects; histology, biophysics and of course we have Czech. The Czech classes are really funny yet tough – Czech is a difficult language. Today we learned the numbers, yay(!)
Now I’m off to relax my head with some Call of Duty: MW2 and an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
I hope it goes well tomorrow, wish me luck...
Siffrorna är nästan precis som i polskan :D Coolt, då kanske jag kommer förstå när du pratar Tjeckiska genom att tänka på Polska. ^^ Lycka till på testet!