Histology lessons with our Histology professor are so much fun. Not just because of the fact that Histology is an awesome subject by itself but rather because our professor is one of the funniest and best teachers at the university.
Today he described the staining and marking methods of antibodies to find specific cells in this way (shortened down to readable length - also, try to imagine this guy making real sound effects and gestures while talking):
"We put growing rabbit with growth hormone on a table an take out the hormone. Then we take a sheep, inject the rabbit hormone into the blood and the sheep goes 'waaaaah what is this?!'.
The sheep produce antibodies against the rabbit and so we take this antibodies from the sheep.
Now we say: go away stupid sheep I don't need you anymore. But no, we only have 0,1ml antibodies! We must have more, remember?
So we take this cow, with the horns you know, no wait... We take an elephant! We inject the sheep antibodies against the rabbit hormone in the elephant and he goes 'waaaaaaaah!' and now we get much antibodies. Now we can take the rabbit, kill it, cut it up and slice the puititory gland, put in the elephant and sheep antobodies and now we see which cells that produce the growth hormone..."
Awesome 15 minute explaining, I bet it was a lot more fun IRL, I laughed hard and learnt a lot! :D
The weeks just get better and better...
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