Thursday, October 10, 2013

Supply and Demand

Neglect ain't a beautiful thing, yet we all exercise it from time to time.
But since the interest of getting first hand opinions and perspectives on the study of medicine has recently increased, both to my surprise and happiness, I have decided to finish what I've started and really adapt this journal as a contact and information platform for anyone who might find their way here.

It seems my referral statistics point towards traffic from keywords on google, such as "european university", "med school", "premed", "Charles uni" and "anatomy", etc. etc. has become more frequent.
Additionally, a handful of Swedish students have written me in their struggle of finding a way leading to medical studies with aim of taking the very same road I did - so I feel I owe them to be more active.
Thus, I write this to ensure you; I'm still alive, fighting the good fight, struggling with the ever so exciting matters of 4th year medical education. Now, probably more than before, can I really see the full picture of the pre-clinical years of medicine and therefore, give you an honest and detailed picture of what is to come - given you chose to walk down the very same road.

I will wrap things up in a followup post ASAP, just in case someone might check in on a more regular basis - or at least for the sake of breaking the silence.


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