Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunshine and Pineapple

Sunset over Anatomy Department...

Some days are just better than others. Today was such a day.
There are not really solid criteria for what makes a good day, I rather find the spontaneous and come-by-chance moments inspirational and "day-seizing".
  Me and my friend Paymon usually talk about this in terms of "highlights of the day" which can take the form of pretty much any random situation.
A completely random thing that might turn into a highlight of the day is for example when you watch a beach saleswoman from Thailand teach the world how to slice up a pineapple on Youtube.

The weather today was like waking up from a shitty dream due to the sunlight shining through your dirty windows - okey, that was what really happened this morning and with that revealed; yes, I really need to clean my windows. I believe it's a good thing that mum is coming here on Friday.
  After waking up, starting off the day with some histology and bio-genetics I went for the first lecture on the interesting topic "cell cycle and its regulation" but it was honestly and most unfortunately not very effective, knowledge-wise speaking. I dare to say and, although this is not the right place, to give the constructive criticism about the Uni power-point presentations that overall, just like in the Swedish Army, are very disappointing from many perspectives. If time allowed I would gladly make a template and convert them all just to get rid of eye burning colours and massive text boxes - maybe an interesting future project - but for now, neither of my concern nor place to complain, which means I'll leave this thought here.

The two and a half hour break before this day's last class in Czech language came as a relief because this meant that I could catch some hours in the blazing spring sunshine.
Right above the Institute of Histology and next (laterally?) to the Institute of Pathology there is a nice sloping park that got to be the cleanest park in Prague. There wasn't much wind at my spot and the sun was facing the hillside just right for maximum exposure - and that we enjoy, right?
  I occupied a bench, took off my shoes and socks and for the first time this season my white, clean soles got to feel grass and gravel - just as my face got the first effective time in the sun.
The books were with me and I eliminated one hour by reading and the second and last one by taking a nice lying position and sleep off the recently ingested salami sandwich.

On my way home I took a right turn and bought a fresh pineapple at the Potraviny.
Not much is needed to create an over-the-average good day...


1 comment:

  1. I understand your disappointment about PowerPoint presentations - the ONLY thing they always bring IS the DISAPPOINTMENT. These presentations are so overrated. I´m about to move to parallel universe in which not all university education and even working process is based on them! I´m always screaming out when somebody at work tells me "ok, nice idea, put it into PowerPoint and..." :D Eargh, tell me when did it happen to the world?
    Anyway, I like your articles - I feel that Scandinavian mood inside. The same I felt in Sweden and Finland. Love Prague but I have never seen that street beside Anatomy Department :) Maybe next time, I´ll check it out.

    Cheers! :)


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