Saturday, January 1, 2011


Waiting for the taxi is tiring. Although I'm not tired from yesterday, which was a lot of fun.
It was wonderful to wake up today and feel good, maybe that has to do with me not drinking.
I'll compose something beautiful about yesterday, the holiday and whatever else that pops up in my mind later, perhaps during my flight because hey, it's time to go back to Prague and that means no more time for writing - but in contradiction more obligation to write. I love paradoxes, but you knew that already.

There's not much of a blizzard going on (I wished for summer at oo:ooam/pm) and the temperature should be around +/- zero which is good, because I do not wish to get stuck in Frankfurt. Apologizes to my German friends, but what the hell am I supposed to do there?
No, I think the departures and arrivals will keep the time table intact and I sure hope so because I have something rather important to do tomorrow.
Well haven't we all, everyday, when it comes to being stuck on airports or terminals of whatever transportation method one use.

Cross your fingers to keep me in the air...


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